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“In 2018, about 40% of total U.S. energy production was consumed in residential and commercial buildings, 8% of that was for lighting." U.S. Energy Information Administration


Thinking ZERO?

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We want your electric bill to be $0.00

This may seem far-fetched, but mother nature has operated without an electric bill for millions of years. Lighting upgrades alone will not reduce your electric bill to zero, but they play a significant role in achieving a net zero building. We pay close attention to the efficacy, durability and functionality of your lighting so that you can achieve the best results with the least energy.

Tired of vendors chasing your big projects while dropping the ball on the small stuff?

Our unique business model is engineered to help facilities like yours tackle lighting problems. We routinely follow up on all those frustrating little details that prevent you from having the perfect lighting. Let us help get your LED system the final mile and make it sustainable for the future.

Our electric delivery vehicles give us a competitive edge

None of our competitors can even come close to our low operating costs and ultra efficiency. 


Our fleet of 100% electric ZERO emission vehicles have been delivering product to the Miami Metropolitan area since 2010.

These vehicles are crazy efficient and average more than 118 mpgE and e-fueling costs us $1.12/e-gallon.


We are proud to not only promote sustainable technology, but to use it as another way to drive down your cost.

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Your order personally delivered by an expert

Instead of spending money on fuel, showrooms, catalogs and sales commissions, our team of professionals have a vested interest in the business and come directly to you so that we can deliver the products you want and the expertise you need at the lowest total cost.

In most cases you will have a single point of contact for all aspects of your account – an approach which we have found maximizes order accuracy and streamlines your experience.

Flexible purchasing power that gets results

Thanks to our focused client base and an established network of over 280 vendors and manufacturers across the country and around the globe, we are able to bring you top quality products in the most economical way possible. This allows us to be brand neutral and deliver exactly what you need.

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